FontExpert 2009 10.0 is a font manager and viewer. Using this program you will be able to manage installed and installed Adobe Typr 1, TrueType an OpenType fonts. The main window of the program shows you information in different panels. The left panel can be used to display the fonts installed in Windows, the different folders in your system, the installed and uninstalled fonts, the worklist or a place where you can search fonts by name, category, keyword, rating, properties or foundry. You can change the content of this panel by selecting the right tab at the lower end of the panel. The upper right panel will show you detailed information about anything you select in the left panel. For example, it will show you the sample of the font selected. The lower right panel will show you the Text Sample or the character table of the selected font. FontExpert can also be used to examine your system for font errors, install or activate fonts, export selected fonts to an HTML page or print different types of reports.